Adina Pestritu

Mental Health Workplace-based Peer Support Program. A healthy and respectful workplace. It's everyone's responsibility.

Peer Supporter Biography

Adina Pestritu

140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV
Gatineau, Québec, K1A 0J9

Group and Level:
Transformation and Integrated Services Management Branch (TISMB)
Work Environment:
Information non disclosed
Preferred method of Communication:

Peer Supporter Identifies As:

  • Woman

Areas of Life Experience In Dealing With:

  • Depression / Mental health difficulties
  • Family issues
  • Stress / burnout
  • Other: Codependency

Brief Description of Life Experience related to Mental Health:

I grew up in a communist society, and I learned to transform bullies into friends and to see opportunity for growth in the midst of adversity. I supported my ex-partner in his fight with a life-threatening illness; when more of his dark side surfaced in a nightmarish discovery, I left our marriage without looking back. I was a newcomer in Canada when a loved one started to struggle with serious mental challenges, and soon after my father unexpectedly passed away from a stroke. I felt trapped in a reality that I couldn’t change, but that’s when the most important inner journey of my life has begun.

Unofficially, I’ve always been a peer supporter and people naturally gravitate towards me, hoping to find comfort and valuable insight. At this time of my life, I feel even more equipped with knowledge, wisdom and clarity, and I am ready to share them with you, while being non-judgemental and unconditionally supportive. I do believe that “Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” David Richo.